I was talking to a friend when I found this big fella. It was flattening itself against the parking lot. When sitting normally it was some 4 inches tall and 4 inches or so from snout to the rear. I picked it up knowing that it would urinate on me and also that there are glands that secrete a pseudo-poisonous material. So I held it in such a way that it urinated and didn't get on me. It was funny because I was telling my friend what would happen as the toad did its thing.
Toads can secrete a litquid from glands. This liquid can cause medical issues if it gets into your bloodstream. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly before rubbing eyes or other mucous glands. Please read the various warnings about handling toads. I don't want to scare you from handling toads but be aware.
I think this is a Woodhouse's Toad.