Of course, I'm roughing it although it can't be very rough if I have something to keep me out of the rain. Ive taken some pictures of my new Cot Tent in action. We're going to test it out – tonight there are storms coming my way. I feel left out of the loop, I have no internet or cell phone connection where I am. Although I do have two nice young people camping together during their Spring Break. They have been here a week so far. Its funny how I'm in a t-shirt and they are in sweat shirts and chilly. Then again, they aren't as insulated as I am :)
The dogs got some exercise and have eaten. I just let them out while I'm out here typing. Just to keep them from chasing every deer around here, they are tethered despite their unhappiness about that.
With all my organization and inventions, I'm seeing things that can be done better. No matter the thought I put into something, field-testing is the only way to improve things. But I really really enjoy being out on the road, seeing new things, talking to people, and seeing what the day (and night) has in store for me.
Its 10:37pm and I'm feeling the breeze before a rain. I'm probably going to rotate my tent cot 180 degrees. I thought I put the door facing the right direction but I was off. Nice thing, pick it up and rotate – unlike moving a standard tent around.
Other tricks for this style of camping especially when you know adverse weather is on the way. Get out clean socks and other clothes and have them in the truck. If its raining then I don't want to retrieve them from my camping boxes from the back of the truck. Also, don't put anything in the driver's seat. There may be the need for a hasty retreat to the shelter of the vehicle. You don't want anything in the way for a rapid dive into the front seat! I put a towel out to get dry just in case. Stow as much gear away as possible – the less to deal with in the rain or snow. If my cell was working, I would call someone to let them know where I was and give them a call tomorrow once I'm back on the road. I have a homemade “READY” kit that I will have to document for my readers later on. But my “READY” kit helps me be ready for some small emergencies or crisis situations.
Always have a pocket knife at hand. I wear a vest quite often. Its not a fishing vest but everyone asks me if I'm going fishing. I suppose the ones asking haven't seen many, if any, fishing vests. But in my vest, I keep a small flashlight, a small pocket knife, and a few other things.
Wow, its quiet. The dogs have settled down. I see Poochka but where is Sandy? I get up to look for her. Did she pull off her collar? Then I see this tether leading into my tent cot. Sandy has decided to take a nap in my tent cot. I've taken a picture for my friends to see. I shouldn't be surprised – she's jumped into people's canvas camping chairs as soon as that person gets up for some reason. And is she ever so quiet – she just slides up there pretty as you please. My dogs are very entertaining indeed.
Well, I'm getting my nightly indigestion. Time to take some calcium antacid tablets. As I was looking for my antacid tablets I remembered I usually need my ibuprofen, benadryl, and antacid tables in the middle of the night. So, I need to make a handy pouch to hold those items in my tend cot. Again, something I didn't think of until I was in the “field”. This includes keeping a bottle of water handy in the tent cot as well.
The stars have been completely covered my clouds now.
I forgot to get any food for dinner so earlier I found a small restaurant. Inside the restaurant was some folk-art: painted handsaws and frying pans. They also had melted bottles where someone painted a design too. I took some pictures of their artwork for you to enjoy. The food was “okay” but hunger always makes food tastes better :)
I just took a quick walk around chasing down this pair of raccoons. It wasn't in their plans to have me photograph them.
Cool! I hear an owl off my the lake. Its call echos off the water and the trees. How does anyone want to listen to their walkman or MP3 player with God's creations already singing to them?
What else do I hear? I don't hear much – no flies or mosquitos – YES ! I did see several lightening bugs though. I don't hear any crickets or other common night insects. I just heard a log crack in the woods.
The benadryl is kicking in – helping me get sleepy. I suppose I should wrap this up. I hope everyone has enjoyed today's entry in my BLOG.